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The Climate Crisis is Ultimately a Food Crisis

Methane emissions are higher than they have been at any point over the last 800,000 years and increasing at an unprecedented rate. 


Unchartered Waters

It’s been 55 million years since CO2 and methane were at their current levels.


Temperatures 3⁰C to 5⁰C higher. 


Anthropogenic emissions are forecast to rise to 10.2 GT CO2e by 2030


Natural emissions from wildfires, wetlands and permafrost are increasing at an accelerating rate and are on track to be 50% of total emissions by 2030.


We have a ten-year window to slow methane-driven warming and avoid a runaway natural emission scenario.

For the first time in history, month-long average temps reached 3⁰C in key food producing regions.

Parts of each region experienced seasonal crop failures due to record heatwaves, decadal drought, or changing precipitation patterns and soil moisture.

Unless we remove methane, we’re on track to experience a methane-driven collapse of major regional food systems by 2050

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It's no coincidence that civilization and agriculture took root at the same time.


Until recently, this period was the most stable in our history. It is now home to 80% of both global population and agriculture production.

These regions are in the early stages of decadal and megadroughts, extreme changes in soil moisture and precipitation patterns that in ancient times would be considered 'civilization ending events'.

The Climate Crisis is Ultimately a Food Crisis

Our population is projected to increase by 1.7B by 2050, mostly in the Global South.


Unless we act now, regional food systems are at risk of collapse just when they will be desperately needed to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population.

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